and Post of Kashmir branch Executive Members
Mr. Fayaz Ahmad Wani
Vice President
Mrs. Ishrat Fatima
Mrs. Aisha Akhter
Joint Secretary
Mrs. Neelofar Bashir Wani
Ms. Nighat Ara
SNAI Advisor
Ms. Zarifa Bano
Chairperson- Nursing Education and Research Committee
Mr. Javaid Ahmed Mir
Chairperson- Programme Committee
Mr. Mohd Ayubdar
Chairperson-Membership Committee
Mrs. Dilshada Rashid
Chairperson- Public Health Nursing Section
Ms. Shaheena Masoodi
Chairperson- Nursing Service Section- VACANT
Chairperson- Socio-Economic Welfare Committee
Mr. Bikram Singh
Chairperson- LHV/ANM Committee- VACANT